
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fresh Web

I have news!

Do you recall a certain 'uninvited guest' I mentioned?
I made a mistake in my kill technique (because it was huge and I was scared!) and it went missing.
It was missing for a couple weeks I was hoping it went to spidey hell!

But yesterday, I was proved I saw a fresh web had been made over the weekend.

How are you still alive??
There's no other bugs (that I'm aware of) in there...and it's been probably over a month now!
Were you sent to this Earth just to torment me?!?

(That's clearly all it could be.)

But, just this morning, my chance to redeem my previous kill attempt arose.
He had recently been living in the glove compartment as he was resting just outside.
I hesitated for a moment...I almost felt bad for the little (HUGE) guy.
Here he was, just resting...hoping for a little morsel of food to land in his web, while I squashed him dead.
Kill shot.
It was a flat surface, so I used the trusty Kleenex box again.
It was over quickly.
Hey, I did say I ALMOST felt bad for him...he IS still a spider after all, and he's been in MY space far too long...

My vehicle is now SPIDER FREE!
Unless he did end up laying eggs somewhere...
They're probably in my brain...

Love you too.

xo T


  1. Yeah! You got him! Hopefully he (or she) didn't lay eggs. You'll probably find out soon if it did...

  2. I hope it didn't lay eggs as well. But yes, I'll find out soon enough D;
