Well, I'm not sure about where you're at...but around me the weather is sure helping! On Monday, it was basically a blizzard and the past couple days, the big mounds of snow have been blowing around. The area around our house is a big old mess of snow right now. It seems like the snow plows are ignoring us :'(
I guess our little community isn't very high on their priority list...
And it has been cold!
Around the -20 mark before windchill and below -30 with. Brrrrrr~! >.<
It's nice weather to be cozied up inside, methinks! Hibernation.
What do you figure? How're things around you??
Well, on December 1st...I fired up the giveaway for the year!
Have you checked it out?
I'm not entirely sure when I'll be closing it down quite yet. I'll either be drawing this Sunday or next week. But you should get your entries in now to be sure! Only a couple entries for each thing right now. So odds are really high in your favor right now ;)
Also on December 1st, Scott and I kept with tradition and cracked open our Kinder Advent Calenders!
(picture from last year)
And as much as I've been tempted to crack into the goodies for the giveaway, I've resisted and haven't done it......yet ;D
Not a ton going on right now. Calgary has been in a constant (even more so) state of craziness with Christmas coming up! Around the malls is just BONKERS! *.*
Scott and I have seen a couple movies in the past couple weeks.
First one...
...Catching Fire.
Obviously a continuation of the Hunger Games series. I thought they did a really good job of it. Scott liked the beginning but wasn't really a fan of the end. I haven't read the books for a few years, so I couldn't remember most details to compare it with the book. But everything was like a big surprise!
I would probably give it ***.5(3.5)/5 stars.
...Ender's Game.
Based off the book. Is a sci-fi type with aliens and such. So if you're not into that, you may not like it. I haven't read the book, so I can't compare it to that...But I thought it was quite good! I thought the story was interesting, graphics were good and the technology was snazzy! Even Scott enjoyed it and he has read the book. He said they did a pretty good job in that regard...they made a few changes to make it work but he didn't mind.
I would give it ****(4)/5 stars.
Have you seen either of these? What did you think?
Have you seen any movies lately? Any recommendations?
I'm going to leave things here today.
Stay warm!
Love you too.
xo T
Don't forget to enter into the giveaway while you can!
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