
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sicky Poo No More! Also Packin' Up...

Guys...I have good news and bad news.
Let us start with the bad news.
I've been a bad blogger. It's been a pretty busy week and other things have been my priority - sorry!

And good news.
I'm not sick anymore :D Yay~!
(You can still send cookies though ;| )

So yes, as I mentioned in my last post, I had all last week of work because I was a sicky poo. But this week has been delightfully (or maybe UNdelightfully) work filled.

So really, I guess I just have a bunch of random things to share... so here comes a list at ya... Scott was in town. We watched some Gladiator, made some delicious chicken/broccoli alfredo (Valentine's Day). We got some errands taken care of, we hung out with Ben and Frances (Benifred and Francesca from my previous blog), went to the science center, had milkshakes, ordered in our actual marriage certificate (oops...I didn't know we were supposed to...), and then I got sick and Scott tended to my needs while we watched a bunch of shows. :D
(Oh! We also had a sushi feast at some point) ;)

(It looks like a face!)

...Scott is back at work again...he's been out there for about a week now.

...I've been trying to organize our house because POTENTIALLY in the next couple months or so, we're wanting to move. Hopefully we'll buy our own house...but possibly just another rental. But I realized our place is really cluttered, and some things should just be packed up and put in storage until we move because eventually people are going to have to come looking.

...I went out for dinner with the girls in Scott's family. Good times, good food - nice to see you all :)
Hung out and chatted with Mel (& Keira) afterwards. {My SIL and her kidlet}.

...I decided I was going to do a 30 day challenge at hot yoga. So basically, I pay a certain amount for a 30 day pass and then try to come as much in that 30 days as possible ;) (Not only to get my monies worth, but also to get the benefits of doing hot yoga so often).

...I realized I needed a few more things if I'm going to hot yoga every day. SO a trip to lululemon was made ;)

...George is still chubby and happy. He now likes sitting at the window and looking out. One problem...he can't get up there on his own...

(I have since taken down those Christmas lights...he was chewing on them... -.-)

... I've been missing some people this week. I'm not going to name names...but if you're reading this, just assume I miss you.

And I'm going to cut 'er off there! Sorry I haven't been able to read blogs lately - I miss you and them!

What's going on out there? How are you?

Any questions for me? (Like my address, for you to send me good things) ;)

Love you too.

xo T

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Calling all cookies!

I didn't forget about you, even if you forgot about me.

Scott came back...there were good times, there were also arguments and many discussions because we don't get a lot of time to discuss things in person.
Unfortunately I was also sick this whole past week. No, I don't know what it was mainly pains in my abdomen. But it seems to be feeling a little better today, so that's good news!
I'm alive and recovering and hopefully I'll be able to give you better stories in the next post. ;)
But for now...pity me and send cookies!

Hope all is well!
Love you too.

xo T

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Catch up! And Happy Feb 14th ;)

Hey again! Well it's good to be back, I think... Yes. Anyways, so what's been happening? Tell me a story!
Not a ton has been happening with me, but a few things that I can think of are...

...Scott's been at work for a while. I saw him for a few days about 2 weeks ago and then I hadn't see him for a couple weeks before that. HOWEVER, he comes back today - yay!

...George got fixed. It was the most heartbreaking thing to see him all drugged, confused and stumbling all over the place. Poor little guy! And then he had to wear a little cone for a week! Sweet little cone! He got used to it...

...I've been working on changing decisions. That's all I'll say for now, but ya...working on it ;)

...I tried hot yoga! I went with Paige (Scott's younger sister) and it was so awesome! Have you tried it?? I've honestly never sweat so much in my life, but you feel so amazing after. (For those who don't know what it's basically just yoga but in a room that has a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit). Like I said...awesome. Need to go back.

...I went down to Lethbridge for a dentist appointment and the teethies are good! Plus I got to see my parents but also spend a decent amount of time with Whitney and Amy :D It was a great time, we had a ton of fun and I can't wait until next time! Love you guys :)!

...I really love toasted English Muffins with jam and almond butter. They're just so dang good!

Oh and Happy February 14th to you (Valentine's if you 'celebrate' it)! 
Do you do anything special for Valentine's? 
It's never been anything big for me...just another holiday to eat strangely shaped treats. But you can buy (or make) those for yourself ;)
{Also, it's not really a holiday if you don't get the day off work...}

Last year, Scott and I made some dinner and then we watched Gladiator {festive, right?}. HOWEVER, I will say that we went out for a nice dinner the night after. (For anyone in Calgary, it's called Brava, it's on 17th and it's delicious {and expensive}). And after THAT, we got big deal ;) {That in itself was a gong show, but that's a story (possibly) for another time}.

I tried resisting, but I can't do it. It's technically 'the day of love''s my favorite love song. At least I think it is...

Love you too.

xo T

(The cone picture is George, the other picture is from good old Google!)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blog 2.0

Well hi there! My name is Trudy Johnson, you may remember me from such blogs as "Don't look at me in that tone of voice" or perhaps from real life. It's been a while - how's it going?

Why the new blog?
 Well...a couple reasons. 1. If you look back (or recall from memory), I had a black background on my old blog and I'm sick of dealing with it. I can't just switch to a white background now or you won't be able to read a LOT of my old posts and there is NO way that I'm going through every post and changing that. 2. If I actually had a second reason, I forget it. So ya, basically I just was ready for something different and it was too difficult to switch everything over on the old blog.

So...WELCOME TO TRUDY TALK! :D My old blog title was pretty nonsensical and this just makes a bit more sense. It's basically a blog where I (Trudy) ramble on about whatever I please.
Be prepared for things to change at anytime, I'm still figuring out what I want things to look like around here and in the meantime...I wanted to talk again!

Thanks everyone for sticking with me or if you're new... WELCOME! I have a blog from the past 3 years of my life which can be found here.

I figure I should just end this post here and I'll either get another one up later today or watch for that!

Again, thanks for reading :)!

Love you too.

xo T